19.61 Acres of land zoned I-2 General Industrial. With 600' frontage on Route 7, and public water, sewer, and natural gas at the street, this site is prime for your commercial/industrial needs. Adjoining lots also available. Seller is licensed Vermont real estate broker. Taxes based on entire 100.93 acre parcel.
MLS# | 4910233 |
Listing Type | For Sale |
Sub-Type | Resale |
Status | (10) Active - Active |
Days On Site | 1003 |
Listing Provided By | RE/MAX North Professionals | The Gardner Group |
Zoning | I-2 |
Acreage | 19.61 |
State | VT |
County | Chittenden |
City | Milton |
Zip Code | 05468 |
Listing VS Median (in 05468) | |
Price: $950,000 low | high Med: $472,400 On Site: 1003 low | high Med: 54.000000 |